Market analyst Christian DeHaemer has no way of knowing if real reforms will come from the current Cuban protests, but if they do, you could see the Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund Inc. (NASDAQ: CUBA)...
It’s your loss if you don’t follow my trades, because today we’re cashing out for some major gains and keeping our powder dry ahead of a potential major market correction.
Make no mistake: The global energy economy is transitioning away from one heavily weighted in fossil fuels to one heavily weighted in new energy technologies, such as wind, solar, battery storage,...
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers why the hottest EV profits won't come from Tesla.
The large caps have been underperforming but are still doing pretty well. If you believe in reversion to the mean, large caps are due to do better than the little guys. And if you don’t, more jobs...
Our SMH call option trade has popped for a big gain. It’s time to sell and collect our cash. But to follow up, I have a new investment that could soar 80x its current value.
Florida’s economy is booming, and it will spread to the rest of the nation. When it does, it will unleash a bull market for the ages...
Looking back at the run electric vehicle stocks experienced may fill you with regret but fear not, for the largest gains have yet to come. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl peels back the curtain...
There are as many ways to make money in the market as there are people. Christian DeHaemer breaks down the four types of investors, and analyst Sean McCloskey makes a sell recommendation on last...
Trading options can offer explosive gains. The problem is they can be confusing as all hell for new traders and seasoned investors alike. That’s why, in addition to teaching you the basics of...
With the global economy getting pumped with juice for a reopening, there are certain reasons we can expect the market will follow what happened before. For that, we turn to the 1920s. The...
Recently, the Fed said it expects our economy to grow by 7% this year, bolstered by several trillion dollars in stimulus spending. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why America's "Grand...