The alarm bells are starting to ring. This past month alone, we’ve seen a few of the hallmark signs of an impending recession but not in this sector...
Elon Musk will unveil his Tesla robot this fall. Optimus looks like something out of a science-fiction flick, but this robot is being developed as we speak.
A nuclear reactor at Disney World only sounds far-fetched until it isn't. If the top minds at Disney calculated that it was the best and cheapest option for power, analyst Luke Sweeney firmly...
On a levelized cost basis, solar is the cheapest form of energy, and that advantage continues to grow as capital costs for competing energy sources increase.
The time to invest in energy is right now. Market analyst Luke Sweeney explains why it's time to ditch the tech bear and ride the energy bull...
Make no mistake: The trajectory we’re on right now is going to put us in a very dangerous situation. Such a crisis offers significant opportunities...
The only thing that can halt this incredible momentum for oil is demand destruction — and we’re not seeing that just yet. All you can do is either profit or get out of the way.
There are plenty of things you can do to win in this market. Stay positive, don’t lose your head when everyone else is losing theirs.
While it’s incredibly tempting to solely blame Biden for the soaring gas prices in the U.S., there’s so much more to it than that. Luke Sweeney explains why...
The U.S. is facing an energy crisis unlike many have seen before. Market analyst Sean McCloskey breaks down the situation and what you can do about it...
Now that the government is sinking its talons into cryptocurrencies, how does this affect those who want to continue making quick cash off crypto?
The fact that we’re staring at $120/bbl oil again is no surprise to anyone in our investment community. Make no mistake — there’s still plenty of room left to run.