Energy and Capital Archives

Out of the Pandemic and Into Innovation (Future Giants Inside)

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted April 28, 2022

In 1665, an outbreak of the bubonic plague in England forced the University of Cambridge into lockdown, where Sir Isaac Newton made his most important discovery ever.

What the “Experts” Got Wrong About Elon Musk

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted April 27, 2022

Elon Musk single-handedly changed the landscape of personal transportation and space travel inside of 15 years. Twitter won't be what breaks him...

The Only 2 Investments I’m Buying Before Oil’s Summer Breakout

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 26, 2022

Oil prices are anything but stable, but we do know oil is surging higher this summer. The question is will you be in the right position when it does?

I Called the TOP in the S&P 500. Here Is What's Next.

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted April 25, 2022

If earnings hold up for the next two quarters, the market will go up on value expansion alone. Granted, that’s a big “if.” Christian DeHaemer explains why...

Warning! Your City Is Being Watched

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted April 24, 2022

Imagine intersections that can sense traffic and predict the most efficient patterns. A traffic-free utopia is absolutely possible with this technology...

Tesla in the Vanguard

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted April 21, 2022

It’s that special time of year. That’s right, it’s Q1 2022 earnings season! Market analyst Sean McCloskey discusses which trades he's eyeing in the coming weeks.

Why Elon Musk Is Unstoppable

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted April 20, 2022

Make no mistake: Elon Musk may ruffle some feathers with his tweets and comments, but maybe that’s a good thing. We need more CEOs to stand up to the status quo...

To Those Who Listened and Bought Oil, You're Welcome

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 19, 2022

Keith Kohl told readers to buy oil on December 1, 2021— timing the run perfectly. Today, he has another recommendation that could be even more lucrative...

What Putin Knows

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted April 18, 2022

Market analyst Christian DeHaemer discusses the current state of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and what it means for energy.

New “Cure Computer” Breaks the Healthcare System

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted April 17, 2022

It used to be the healthcare industry’s best-kept secret. But to our readers, it should be painfully obvious: Cancer is as deadly as it is profitable.

The Best Way to Beat Inflation

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted April 13, 2022

With inflation recently hitting a 40-year high, the experts are weighing in and offering advice on how to protect yourself and continue to build your wealth...

The Chart Making Elon Musk Cry Every Night

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 12, 2022

Tesla is on the brink of a lithium crisis, and Elon Musk is watching history repeat itself as he scrambles to secure his lithium supply.