Energy and Capital Archives

Little-Known Oil Play With Lots of Upside

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted September 19, 2022

Right now, the market is giving you a gift. You should take advantage of this dip in oil prices to buy more oil companies. Here is a good place to start...

Biden’s New Anti-China Bioweapon

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted September 18, 2022

The president just signed an executive order directing $2 billion to the U.S. biotech sector. It’s his next plan to steal back American industry from China...

The Calm Before the Storm: 2 Reasons Oil Will Rise (Spoiler: It’s NOT Because of Putin)

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 15, 2022

The “all is well” narrative will continue spilling out of the White House until the midterms are behind us – creating one hell of an investment storm ahead for us.

Investing in Solar-Powered Electric Vehicles

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted September 14, 2022

Today, we’re looking at a highway-capable electric vehicle with a 1,000-mile range that sells for a fraction of the cost of many of the EVs on the road today...

Elon Musk Is Now “Licensed to Print Money”

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted September 13, 2022

Tesla is planning a historic first for North America. As early as Q4 2022, the company will begin construction of a battery-grade lithium hydroxide refinery.

Chips Are Back in the USA

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted September 12, 2022

Semiconductor companies are building new plants in the United States again, and analyst Christian DeHaemer has found the one that will outperform all others...

Choose One: EVs or Food?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted September 11, 2022

For those of us grounded in reality, the choice between electric vehicles or food has an obvious answer. Sadly, we aren’t always given the option...

The EU Just Guaranteed Your Portfolio 2 Years' Worth of Energy Profits

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 8, 2022

Well, the EU has finally gone and shot itself in the foot, all but ensuring an energy crisis this winter. If you don't buy energy at this point, we can't save you...

Is Nuclear Power Europe’s Only Chance of Survival?

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted September 7, 2022

This winter is going to be a glimpse of what life is going to be like as Europe rapidly transitions away from Russian energy reliance and toward nuclear...

$50 Billion MUST GO by Next Year

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted September 6, 2022

The CHIPS and Science Act is finally giving investors the same early buy-in opportunity that the ultra-wealthy “accredited” investors take for granted.

Buy Oil Now, Reap the Windfall Later

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 1, 2022

Someone is lying to us. Investors who have been paying closer attention to the EIA petroleum reports lately are scratching their heads a bit this summer.

Are You Living in Reality Anymore?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted August 30, 2022

A future in which virtual reality technology looks, sounds, and even feels like the real thing is not far off. It’s an inevitable next step for an industry...