After many years of bitter fighting, rebels in the Niger Delta oil-producing region of Nigeria seem set to lay down their arms for a deal.
Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl reviews the week's top stories in energy and comments on what he sees as oil's next move.
Energy and Capital's Christian DeHaemer shows readers that China's green move may be motivated by more than good intentions.
Energy & Capital Editor Nick Hodge discusses smart grid stocks and the coming $1 trillion investment that will send them higher.
Editor Sam Hopkins highlights the performance of a few select smart grid companies heading into autumn.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reviews the top stories in energy this week.
Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder offers an initial report from the annual ASPO-USA peak oil conference, updating the numbers on supply, demand, peak and the current outlook for oil and gas.
Energy & Capital Editor Nick Hodge comments on recent renewable energy activity with special focus on the rapid expansion of wind energy and wind power stocks.
Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl takes a look at the peak in Canadian natural gas production.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reviews the week in energy and welcomes the sight of gain for oil and gas stocks.
Energy and Capital's Keith Kohl offers readers his 2010 natural gas forecast and gives readers an easy way to get in ahead of the herd.
Energy & Capital Editor Nick Hodge shares his top solar stocks for 2010.