Energy and Capital Archives

China Could Shut Down the U.S. Military Without Firing a Shot

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted October 23, 2022

“We advise the U.S. side not to underestimate the Chinese side’s ability to safeguard its development rights and interests. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”

Biden’s War on Oil Is a Golden Ticket for Your Portfolio

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 20, 2022

Today, we take a look at President Biden's latest speech on energy and why he's setting up a perfect storm for oil profits in 2023.

Why Poland Will Transition From Coal to Solar and Wind

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 19, 2022

Why Poland Will Transition From Coal to Solar and Wind

Investing in Solar-Powered Electric Cars

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 19, 2022

The transition away from internal combustion to vehicle electrification is happening, and, unless you hate money, you’d be a fool not to profit from it.

Biden Plans His Next Massive Funding Package — Snubbing China in the Process

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted October 18, 2022

Regardless of how you feel about his politics, President Biden wields undeniable power to sway the market, and we’re here to make money. Here’s a way to do it...

2 Reasons Energy Prices Are Higher

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 17, 2022

Every sector has been down this year with the exception of energy stocks. Yesterday, many of the energy stocks we’ve recommended were up 4%–7% on the day alone.

Seek Shelter in This Recession-Proof Oasis

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted October 16, 2022

One particular industry is famous for surviving the brunt of the recession while also handing back solid returns. It’s all thanks to the magic of inelastic demand. There’s a catch, though.

Will Energy Storage Expedite a Transition Away From Fossil Fuels?

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 16, 2022

Will Energy Storage Expedite a Transition Away From Fossil Fuels?

Lies, Oil Drilling, and Manipulation: There WILL Be Consequences

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 13, 2022

Turning the global oil markets into a political game full to the brim with bluffing, calling, and positioning is dangerous. Take a closer look at what’s going on with oil, and you’ll see...

Investing in the Electric Bus Juggernaut

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 12, 2022

Let’s be honest. It’s never been about carbon emissions. It’s always been about the money. And this isn’t a criticism — it’s merely an observation of truth.

Explaining the “Spooky” Science That Stumped Einstein

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted October 11, 2022

Albert Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance." Today, modern scientists call it “quantum entanglement,” and they’re only slightly closer to fully understanding the mechanics behind...

Are Protests in Iran Being Sparked by Economic Woes?

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 10, 2022

Are Protests in Iran Being Sparked by Economic Woes?