Energy and Capital Archives

Gulf Disaster Reveals U.S. Oil Secret

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 11, 2010

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl shows readers why the BP oil spill is leading to a rush on onshore drilling activity, giving early investors lucrative profits.

4-Month Trajectory of Gulf Oil Spill Shows Grim Outlook

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted June 10, 2010

Examining the National Center for Atmospheric Research's latest oil spill trajectory projections.

The Year of the Electric Car

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted June 10, 2010

Energy and Capital Editor Christian DeHaemer has a lunch date with a hot, rich girl... Not only does he have a very nice time, but he learns an investment secret.

Why $200 Oil is Closer Than You Think

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted June 10, 2010

Energy and Capital Editor Christian DeHaemer explains why artificially low oil prices are creating a last-chance profit window for investors.

Natural Gas Emerging as Oil Alternative

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted June 8, 2010

Energy & Capital Editor Nick Hodge calls for natural gas to corner several niches of the energy market, including new baseload generation and fleet vehicles.

Senate to Lay the Smack Down on Oil Companies

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted June 7, 2010

Energy and Capital Publisher Brian Hicks comments on new legislation that could hold oil companies liable for blunders in light of the BP spill in the Gulf.

Natural Gas Stocks: Back in Play?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 6, 2010

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl explores three natural gas stocks for investors to play on a recovery.

Is BP Collapsing?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 4, 2010

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl reviews the week's top energy stories and poses an obvious and important question...

Investing in Uncertain Markets

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted June 3, 2010

Energy and Capital Editor Christian DeHaemer gives readers advice on finding bull markets, even in uncertain times, and a simple system for knowing when to buy, when to sell, and when to go golfing.

Avoid Today's Oil Stock Flops

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted June 2, 2010

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl warns readers about an oil investment trap that could make you lose a fortune.

The Option ARM Crisis 2010-2012

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted June 1, 2010

Energy and Capital Editor Ian Cooper takes a look at two ways to profit in the throes of the coming Option ARM resets.

China's Switch from Dollar Reserves to Gold

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 31, 2010

As the status of the U.S. dollar comes into question as a reserve currency, Energy & Capital Contributor Jim Amrhein speculates what China's reaction will be.