Energy and Capital Archives

Weekend: Canada's Shale Fever Grows

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 20, 2011

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl reveals one of Canada's best and most profitable energy secrets.

The Psychopaths in Power

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 19, 2011

Why is it that 85% of us (Americans) make less than $100k a year while others rake in six or seven figures or more? And how do you go from the former to the latter?

News From the East Africa Oil Conference in Hilton Nairobi

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 18, 2011

Editor Chris DeHaemer writes from the basement of the Hilton Hotel in Kenya's capital city, where he's covering the East Africa Oil Conference and the latest oil profit opp.

Obama's Offshore Betting Slip

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 17, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl gives readers four offshore stocks that will profit from Obama's offshore legislation.

Rare Earth Uses Still Growing

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 16, 2011

The more research done on metals, the more uses we're finding: missile guidance systems, super strong and light alloys, magnets, wave tubes, neutron reflectors, and other devices that keep you safe...

Big Oil Welfare

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted May 15, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel discusses how Washington is betting on the wrong horse with your tax dollars.

Weekend: Don't Stop Eating for Fear of Choking

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 13, 2011

That's what we do: We look at all the information and likely outcomes of a given scenario – even horrific ones – and give our best advice on how to make it work to your advantage.

Oil Price Outlook: Correction or Crash?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 12, 2011

Energy and Capital Editor Keith Kohl details Congress' latest attempt to expand offshore oil production and how to play their gas pump politics.

Africa: The Next Oil Boom

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 11, 2011

Editor Chris DeHaemer is leaving on a jet plane to Africa. Why you should pay attention to the reports that come as a result of his trip.

Wall Street Wants You to Die

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted May 10, 2011

And with nowhere else to turn, Wall Street is now trying to profit from the last thing you have left: your life.

OPEC Greed Fuels Oil Profits

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 9, 2011

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why OPEC's manipulation of oil prices will keep fueling investors' profits.

Fracking Opportunities

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted May 8, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel discusses another possible way to profit from shale gas.