Energy and Capital Archives

Third Age of Oil

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 24, 2011

"Well I don't know how you want to quantify it, but the age of easy oil is over. We are now going deep offshore, under the Arctic and into parts of the world where the rule of law is little more...

Natural Gas Amount Is Up In The Marcellus Shale

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 24, 2011

USGS appears to have been accurate in their measurements, so by their standards, the amount of natural gas in the Marcellus Shale is higher than predicted.

Developing Our Offshore Future

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 23, 2011

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers why offshore investments are about to break wide open.

The Next Solar Bull Market

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 21, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel explains why the next solar bull market is about to get underway...

Noble Buys into Marcellus Shale

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted August 18, 2011

Guest contributor Brianna Panzica details the deal between Noble Energy and CONSOL Energy for assets in the coveted Marcellus shale deposit.

Oil Lease Sales in the Gulf Begin Again

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted August 18, 2011

Guest contributor Brianna Panzica discusses the Interior Department's plan for the first Gulf oil lease sale since the 2010 oil spill.

Natural Gas Investments

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 18, 2011

Why investors only have to look in their own backyard to find the best natural gas investments.

The Solar Roller Coaster

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted August 18, 2011

Guest contributor Brianna Panzica discusses the good news for Yingli Green Energy and bad news for JA Solar.

East Africa Oil

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 17, 2011

The night was cool. A billion stars shone like diamonds. The giraffe lay sprawled in a mess of blood and gore on the side of the highway, its long front legs twisted backwards. Bits of white plastic...

Oil Prices Hurt By Threat of Double Dip

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted August 17, 2011

Guest contributor Brianna Panzica discusses the fall in oil futures as demand stays dangerously low and Morgan Stanley concludes we are dangerously close to another recession.

Exxon Goes Head-to-Head with U.S. Government

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted August 17, 2011

Guest contributor Brianna Panzica discusses Exxon Mobil's lawsuit against the U.S. government for denying the company access to what could be billions of barrels of oil.

The Military's Secret Weapon

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted August 16, 2011

The military-industrial complex can be credited with some of the most far-reaching (and most profitable) technological advances of our time. Digital photography, GPS, and the Internet come to mind.