Energy and Capital Archives

Chesapeake Produces Company Record at Utica

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted September 27, 2011

As the energy sector falls, Chesapeake Energy rises on good news from Utica.

Agriculture Investing

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted September 27, 2011

There's something to be said about working with your hands in this day and age. It's a special feeling to plant something and watch it grow - a sense of production, a sense of accomplishment, a...

Google's Next Solar Investment

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted September 27, 2011

Google started investing in residential solar through SolarCity, but now they're looking to help out even smaller companies.

North Dakota Fields Up In Flames

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 26, 2011

More than 100 million cubic feet, enough energy to heat half a million homes a day, of natural gas goes up in flames each day. About 30 percent of natural gas produced in North Dakota is just burned...

Consequences of Peak Oil

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 26, 2011

OPEC's collapse could be right around the corner. That's why my readers and I are preparing for this Peak Oil scenario... and why you should pay attention if you haven't been all along.

Ontario Leading The Way In Canadian Wind Power

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 26, 2011

Canada will have over 5,300 MW of wind power when the projects are completed at the end of this year. That's enough electricity being produced to power 1.5 million homes.

UK Wind Capacity On The Rise

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 26, 2011

Traders will have more impact from UK wind power capacity when periods of high wind will leave the market with an oversupply.

Do-It-Yourself Solar

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted September 25, 2011

High solar panel installation costs may be a thing of the past. With Westinghouse Solar kits, you could do it on your own.

U.S. Solar Stocks

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted September 25, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel reveals a U.S. solar company that can compete against China and heavily-subsidized fossil fuels.

An Everlasting Bull Market in Energy

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 23, 2011

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers why there is a long-lasting bull market in energy for investors.

The Department of Defense Goes Green

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted September 22, 2011

A report released Thursday reveals the Defense Department's horrifying fossil fuel consumption and how it plans to change that.

Global Resource Crunch

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted September 22, 2011

What China is teaching us is that the western economic model - the fossil-fuel-based, automobile-centered, throwaway economy - will not work for the world.