Everything we've been telling you continues to materialize. There's a North American oil and gas renaissance underway...
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why the Chinese are trying to corner the market on these shale profits before U.S. investors catch on.
The federal government will speed up the process of offshore wind farm lease approval.
Rising investments costs and weaker than anticipated fourth quarter earnings have analysts and investors questioning Shell's ambitious financial and production targets.
A confluence of problems has besieged the industry, undermining Wall Street's price predictions for natural gas and causing production companies big and small to rethink their strategies for the...
Editor Nick Hodge explains Henry Hub, and how it's used in natural gas pricing.
The lowest natural gas prices in decades have also contributed to the increasingly dismal quarterly numbers for Carbo.
Keith Kohl reveals the Peak Oil report that has been buried by the Australian government for over two years.
In 2013, 20 collegiate teams will be competing to create the best solar powered home.
Guest contributer Stephanie Ginter discusses Exxon's fourth quarter earnings.
Editor Nick Hodge gives his take on two proposed Canadian oil pipelines, and tells readers to ignore the politics if they want to make money.
Editor Jeff Siegel reveals Warren Buffett's growth strategy for energy investing.