Energy and Capital Archives

Encana Discredits EPA Fracking Report

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted December 11, 2011

Last week's EPA report showed the presence of fracking chemicals, but Encana says the report is not valid.

"Emergency": A Book Review

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 9, 2011

In addition to convincing you (I don't need convincing; I read for support) why such skills and plans are necessary, "Emergency" provides a good launchpad to learn and enact them.

Options Bets on $150 Oil

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted December 8, 2011

Fears over the Iranian nuclear program have sparked some countries to impose sanctions. And these sanctions could drive up the price of oil

How Investor's Are Crushing Big Oil

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 8, 2011

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows you how investors are consistently outperforming some of the largest oil companies in the world.

Southern Union Shareholders Approve Energy Transfer's Deal

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted December 8, 2011

The ongoing bidding between Energy Transfer and Williams Cos ended this summer, and the takeover of Southern Union is about to close up.

Fracking Causes Water Pollution in Wyoming

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 7, 2011

The Environmental Protection Agency announced today that chemicals were found in drinking water in Pavillion, Wyoming. Until now, fracking has not polluted water and was deemed as a safe practice.

Global Energy Demand to Rise 32% by 2040

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 7, 2011

The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040, released today, discusses how the world uses energy and predicts how energy consumption will impact people over the next few decades.

U.S. to Steal Oil Crown from Saudis

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 7, 2011

Goldman Sachs said in November - though it wasn't carried by any major U.S. economic or energy media outlets - that the U.S. would pass Saudi Arabia in oil production by 2017.

MEMC Electronic Announces Plan to Lay Off 20% of Staff

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 7, 2011

MEMC will cut 1,300 job, 250 of which are U.S. jobs.

Buffett Buys into Solar

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted December 6, 2011

Warren Buffett's Energy Holdings company is delving into solar with First Solar's Topaz Solar Farm.

Spectra Energy Foresees Bright Future

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted December 6, 2011

Spectra Energy has a positive outlook for 2012, placing earnings estimates above analyst predictions.

Get Long on Bakken Oil Stocks

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 6, 2011

Following WWII, thousands of returned soldiers packed up their families and headed to cities where there was work. Today we are seeing the same phenomenon: Old industrial and agricultural states...