Energy and Capital Archives

Personal Responsibility

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 29, 2011

Instead of remaining oblivious to global markets and continuing to wallow in a sea of self-loathing while continuing to blame everyone and everything but yourself... Why don't you read up, get...

Another Date Which Will Live in Infamy?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 28, 2011

There are people hard at work to make sure that we never need to depend on things like the Strait of Hormuz, Iran, or any Middle Eastern oil-peddling nation ever again... right here in the Midwest.

Tesla Electric Car Investing

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 27, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel discusses whether or not it makes economic sense to buy an electric car.

2011: Taken for a Ride

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 26, 2011

I think next year will be a year of drastic transformation. Of political awakening. Of balance sheet resetting. Of a return to real value over hyped illusions.

2012 Energy Stock Predictions

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 25, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel offers his energy predictions for 2012.

Bullets for Christmas

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 23, 2011

To keep it light for the holiday, I'm going to give you three news headlines from the past three days with bullets from each. If you're not convinced of the Bakken's success and potential by the...

Shale Gas Investing: The "Echo Boom" Gains Momentum

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 22, 2011

Guest editor Andrew Mickey explains why shale gas is going to get much bigger, thanks to one overlooked investment poised to benefit from it all.

Canadian Zinc Permit Looming

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted December 21, 2011

I like the odds and the potential payoff. And I'd be buying shares of Canadian Zinc (TSX: CZN)(OTC: CZICF) ahead of that looming permit decision.

Yes, American Oil Is Coming Back

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 20, 2011

With all the recent brouhaha about America's oil and gas resurgence, I want to remind you that Canada is still the largest foreign supplier of energy to the United States... and that trend will...

North Korea Profit Opportunities

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 19, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel discusses North Korea's massive bounty of mineral resources - and the potential for investors to profit from it.

India Energy Investing

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 18, 2011

Editor Jeff Siegel discusses India's aggressive new energy policies.

Natural Gas Investment

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 16, 2011

Editor Keith Kohl reveals one gas stock that will triple investors' money from the upcoming surge in natural gas.