Cheniere Energy has received approval from the federal government to construct the largest natural gas export facility in the U.S.
Cherry-picking offshore wind investment opportunities in Europe.
Make no mistake, I'm as ardent a supporter of a clean energy future as anyone else. But fact are facts. And the industry as a whole isn't doing so good right now.
For many, the bitter pill to swallow is that our good fortune in oil and gas production has come on the back of hydraulic fracturing.
The much-anticipated cleantech IPO was cancelled just hours before trading was to begin.
Now is the time to take advantage of the graphite bull. Here's what you need to know...
China launches 155-member consortium to regulate rare earths sector while under investigation by the WTO.
While the international market for American coal is soaring, domestic demand has been on a steady decline due to steep competition from cheap natural gas and costly new rules for power plants.
The United States can no longer take Canadian energy for granted.
The boom in natural gas production has created steady, above average supplies of natural gas, sending prices south.
The facility, referred to as the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Center (TARDEC) is comprised of eight separate labs where research and testing will be conducted on...
eBay installed a 665-kilowatt solar array after legislation in Utah made it possible.