Energy and Capital Archives

The Solar Cell That's 25% More Efficient

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted February 7, 2012

Research at the University of Cambridge has created a whole new kind of solar cell.

Slab City: Off The Grid, Powered By The Sun

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted February 7, 2012

The California desert RV-commune is truly a community off the grid. No road signs indicate the town's existence. It won't show up on map quest. Residents live without the common amenities of running...

BP Prepared and 'Ready to Fight' After Upswing in Earnings

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted February 7, 2012

Europe's second-largest oil company brought in $7.7 billion in profit, a 38 percent increase from fourth quarter profits of the previous year

Collecting on this Chinese Energy Debt

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 6, 2012

As tension grows between the United States and Canada over supplying Asia with its future energy needs, what lengths will we go to in order to sell LNG to China?

Pennsylvania Votes on Fracking

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted February 5, 2012

Pennsylvania lawmakers are aiming for legislation to regulate fracking practices.

Iran's Nuclear Intentions Prompt Israeli Response

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted February 5, 2012

Iran has warned increased pressure by the international community demanding a halt to the country's nuclear ambitions could lead to the closing of the Strait of Hormuz, which exports daily between...

Rare Earth Monopoly

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted February 5, 2012

China's bullying tactics have backfired, and now Canada could soon control the world's rare earth supply.

Weekend: High Supply

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted February 4, 2012

Everything we've been telling you continues to materialize. There's a North American oil and gas renaissance underway...

Investing in the Eagle Ford Formation

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 2, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why the Chinese are trying to corner the market on these shale profits before U.S. investors catch on.

A New Lease on Wind Power

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted February 2, 2012

The federal government will speed up the process of offshore wind farm lease approval.

Shell Undeterred by Disappointing 4Q Earnings

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted February 2, 2012

Rising investments costs and weaker than anticipated fourth quarter earnings have analysts and investors questioning Shell's ambitious financial and production targets.

Natural Gas Prices Hit Trifecta: Increased Supply, Mild Weather & Exxon

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted February 1, 2012

A confluence of problems has besieged the industry, undermining Wall Street's price predictions for natural gas and causing production companies big and small to rethink their strategies for the...