Per last week’s CPI report, inflation has dropped from over 9% to 3.2%. However, the core inflation number, which is near 5%, hasn’t dropped as quickly.
These Floating Solar Panels Could be a Major Game-Changer
All EVs in the future will feature some sort of solar integration to increase range without having to increase pricing. Today, there’s only one company that has the technology to make this happen...
Believe it or not, Warren Buffett is a little jealous of you. However, it’s not your bank account that gives him a twinge of yearning — it’s your portfolio.
The future of coal-fired power generation in the U.S. is bleak. The EIA predicts that by 2050, coal will only supply between 1% and 8% of total electricity production in the U.S. But here’s where...
Last week, the Energy Department said it would delay buying back oil to refill the SPR because oil prices are over $80. If that weren’t enough, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said that filling...
The only way to solve global warming is by transforming the developing world into the developed world. Historically, countries get rich through manufacturing and trade, and to achieve that, they...
A $40 Billion Opportunity in Cotton?
Solar is now the second-largest electric power source in Brazil, ahead of coal, gas, oil, and nuclear. With growth like that, you know somebody’s getting rich...
It doesn't matter whose forecast you’re looking at... Whether it’s from the EIA, IEA, OPEC, or any Wall Street firm like Goldman Sachs, they all say the same thing — the world will consume...
When people ask analyst Christian DeHaemer how to value a stock, he asks if they've ever bought a house — because not only is buying a house one of the most substantial investments a person can...
The sunken-cost fallacy, sometimes called the Concorde fallacy, is the idea that an organization will likely continue with a project if it has already invested a lot of money, time, and effort into...