Energy and Capital Archives

U.S. Coal Exports Soar During Flailing Domestic Demand

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 11, 2012

While the international market for American coal is soaring, domestic demand has been on a steady decline due to steep competition from cheap natural gas and costly new rules for power plants.

China's Oil Sands Ambitions

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 10, 2012

The United States can no longer take Canadian energy for granted.

Natural Gas Prices Slump

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 10, 2012

The boom in natural gas production has created steady, above average supplies of natural gas, sending prices south.

New Military Lab Creates Fuel Efficient Killers

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 10, 2012

The facility, referred to as the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Center (TARDEC) is comprised of eight separate labs where research and testing will be conducted on...

eBay's Biggest Renewable Project

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted April 10, 2012

eBay installed a 665-kilowatt solar array after legislation in Utah made it possible.

Energy ETFs

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted April 9, 2012

A guide to energy exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and notes (ETNs).

Natural Gas Hole Deepens

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 9, 2012

Natural gas production continues to outrun consumption, driving prices down and pushing storage capacity.

This Isn't Our Last Resort

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 6, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains the point in time when we should be worried about our oil supply.

Information Overload

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted April 5, 2012

There is such a thing as information overload. And in this high-speed digital age, I think we're all affected by it in some way.

The Utica Shale Play

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 4, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows investors a new up-and-coming shale play that is starting to attract a lot of attention from Big Oil.

Solar Takes a Tumble

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 4, 2012

Outlook for solar energy industry weakens as solar companies file for bankruptcy one right after the other.

Do You Have an Energy Royalty Trust?

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted April 3, 2012

If you've never caught a 100-pound tarpon, I suggest you do so immediately. If you haven't yet diversified your energy portfolio, I suggest you do that, too.