Energy and Capital Archives

First Arrest Following Deepwater Horizon Spill

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted April 24, 2012

A former BP engineer is arrested after allegedly deleting text messages with important information.

A Two-Decade Coal Bump

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted April 23, 2012

Outside our retina scan-protected borders there's this crazy thing called the rest of the world. It still burns coal... a lot of it.

Apple Joins Clean Energy Production Movement

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 23, 2012

Apple's new $30 million, 4.8 MW solar fuel cell farm in North Carolina will be powered by clean energy company Bloom Energy, with installations expected to be complete by this June.

Shell Goes All In on African Gold Mine

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 23, 2012

Shell raised its offer on Cove Energy with its sights set on African oil.

Cuba Embargo Opportunities

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted April 22, 2012

What was the real takeaway from the Summit of Americas Conference? Obama, hookers, booze, coke-filled sex orgies!

Q-Cells Stays in the Game

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted April 22, 2012

After filing for insolvency, Q-Cells has returned to production and boosted shares.

Iran's Deadly Game of Hide-and-Seek

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 20, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why Iran may be forced to give up its nuclear ambitions after a new round of sanctions.

Natural Gas Going to Zero

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted April 19, 2012

The industry's ability to extract shale gas has led to such a rapid surge in production that the market is having difficulty absorbing it all.

Lawsuit Against Chesapeake Energy's Aubrey McCledon

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted April 19, 2012

Chesapeake Energy's Aubrey McClendon faces a shareholder lawsuit.

Bakken Infrastructure Investing

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 18, 2012

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains a win-win scenario developing in bringing Bakken oil to market.

Turbo Solar

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 18, 2012

Researchers at Sydney University and Germany's Helmholtz Centre for Materials and Energy have developed a low-cost "turbo engine for solar cells" capable of boosting energy output efficiency to 40...

Exxon Blacklisted by Iraq

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 18, 2012

Iraq's oil ministry announced Thursday that ExxonMobil will not be permitted to participate in the oil and gas licensing auction this May because of illegal deals with Kurds.