Energy and Capital Archives

It’s Time You Buy the Fire Sale in Oil

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 16, 2023

Last week, analyst Keith Kohl told you to buy oil and thank him later. Well, it turns out he was a week early, as the latest panic on banking failures caused a sharp drop in WTI crude prices.

Investing in the Future of Nuclear Power

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted March 15, 2023

Tri-Fuel 238 is 40,835 times more powerful than natural gas, 67,389 times more potent than gasoline, and coal, solar, and wind can’t even come close. When people talk about the future of energy,...

The Top 3 Prison Stocks to Buy

Written by unknown
Posted March 15, 2023

Biden’s EPA Calls Cancer-Causing Plastic Waste a “Biofuel”

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted March 14, 2023

There’s nothing more frustrating than government red tape holding back legislation that can help people — but what comes after the regulations are clawed back can often be much worse.

How to know Which Bank You Can Trust

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted March 14, 2023

How to know Which Bank You Can Trust

Explain Moral Hazard to Me Like I'm a 2-Year-Old

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 13, 2023

Moral hazard refers to the concept that people or institutions may take on more risk than they otherwise would because they know they will be protected from the consequences of failure.

The UN Wants to Confiscate your Weed, Wealth and Freedom

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted March 13, 2023

The UN Wants to Confiscate your Weed, Wealth and Freedom

Angry Artists and Teachers Want to Ban AI — What’s Next?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted March 12, 2023

For once, the everyday investor has time to plan accordingly. In practical terms, that means investing in the hardware makers that will unlock AI’s full potential.

ESG Standard Saves Delta (NYSE: DAL) $33.6 Million

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted March 10, 2023

ESG is nothing more than a voluntary set of standards used by those who care about doing proper due diligence in an effort to minimize risk while maximizing profits. Case in point: Delta Airlines...

Buy Oil Now and Thank Me Again Later

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 9, 2023

The EIA reported a 1.7 million-barrel drawdown in U.S. oil inventories over the previous week. The last time we were this excited about oil, a LOT of people made money.

The Shocking Truth About ESG Investing

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted March 8, 2023

You’ll never create real wealth by following the herd, so instead of getting sucked into the manufactured debate about ESG, just focus on what’s important — getting rich!

Will Electric Car Owners be Banned from Florida Highways?

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted March 6, 2023

Senator Wants to Ban EV Drivers from Hurricane Evacuations