As the Eagle Ford shale continues to increase its output, companies invest in projects...
Editor Keith Kohl takes a look at Mitt Romney's new energy plan and questions whether it's possible to achieve energy independence by 2020.
GE's new UPS system offers protection against utility failure and power surges.
Russia's Bazhenov formation has always been too difficult to access, but drillers are realizing it looks a lot like the U.S. Bakken.
Isaac, which became a Category 1 hurricane on Tuesday afternoon, is responsible for the shutdown of Gulf oil production and the rise in oil prices.
Princeton Satellite Systems' solar-powered car charging station could have many uses beyond EV charging...
The ethanol industry is pilfering your paycheck.
New Japanese solar company Japan Mega Solar Co. is planning a huge domestic project with the nation's new feed-in tariffs.
Safety checks and plant refueling to take more nuclear plants offline this fall.
As the fracking boom adds to the pressure for more freshwater, desalination could be the answer...
A chemical producer that produces battery-grade lithium products has just acquired China's biggest lithium supplier.
How the oil boom could fix economic woes...