Energy and Capital Archives

North Dakota Infrastructure

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 3, 2012

Two infrastructure projects in North Dakota will help power homes in the Bakken state...

Spinach Solar Cells

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted September 3, 2012

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have developed the most efficient biohybrid solar cell yet...

GE to Have 900 Wind Turbines in Brazil

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 3, 2012

GE already has 300 turbines in Brazil, with 600 more to come...

The Easy Way to Increase Oil Production

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted September 1, 2012

The G-7 has told oil-producing nations to increase production. If only it were that simple...

Drilling the Bakken Formation

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 30, 2012

Drilling the Bakken Formation comes with a very profitable advantage... Keith Kohl explains.

Alaska Seeks Out Shale Oil

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 30, 2012

Alaska is interesting in joining the shale race, leasing half a million acres in territory to exploration companies...

Graphene Paper Lithium Ion Battery

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 30, 2012

Researchers are working on using graphene to enhance lithium ion batteries.

3D-Printed Electric Vehicle

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted August 30, 2012

A group of Belgian students were assigned the task of designing a prototype racecar. So they printed it...

Mexico's Oil Discovery

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 30, 2012

Mexico is one of the largest suppliers of crude to the U.S., and its declining reserves have just received a boost...

Arctic Oil Investment Opportunities

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 29, 2012

I'm not sure what's crazier - a handful of activists taking on a rig full of pissed-off Russians... or the fact that the world's oil addiction is so strong, we're willing to spend hundreds of...

CAFE Standards Benefit Honda, Tesla

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 29, 2012

Revised CAFE standards for 2017 to 2025 will benefit companies whose products reduce petroleum consumption...

Bakken Oil Acquisitions

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 29, 2012

QEP Resources is expanding its stake in liquids-rich Bakken territories...