Energy and Capital Archives

Statoil (NYSE: STO), Statkraft Acquire Offshore Wind Farm

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 17, 2012

Statoil and Statkraft announced the acquisition of a 560MW wind farm off the coast of the UK...

Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) Acquires Canadian Oil and Gas Company

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 17, 2012

Exxon's most recent acquisition will help it expand into Canadian shale regions...

2013 Natural Gas Outlook

Written by Nick Hodge
Posted October 16, 2012

A natural gas outlook that covers potential U.S. exports, uses for transportation, and various price forecasts.

GE (NYSE: GE) Installs 1,000th Turbine in Series

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 16, 2012

GE (NYSE: GE) celebrates the 1,000th installation of its 2.5MW-series wind turbines, delivered to Europe's biggest onshore wind farm...

Solar Consolidation Begins

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 16, 2012

A report warns that as many as 180 solar companies could disappear by 2015, but several will likely remain as major players...

Marathon Oil (NYSE: MRO) Sells Eagle Ford Assets

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 16, 2012

Even though it's selling 96,000 acres in Eagle Ford assets, Marathon Oil still plans to increase production...

Presidential Energy Policies

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted October 16, 2012

The town hall debate for the 2012 presidential campaign hit energy hard, but who really came out the winner?

2013 Coal Forecast

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 15, 2012

Editor Keith Kohl unveils his 2013 coal forecast... and how investors can position themselves to profit.

Poland's Nuclear Project Worth $15.8 Billion

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 15, 2012

Despite doubts surrounding the project, Poland's government plans to push ahead the $15.8 billion nuclear power station...

German Magazine Says Iran Plotting Oil Spill

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 15, 2012

The plan, if true, could be carried out in hopes of ending Western oil sanctions on Iran...

Samsung to Build South Korean Offshore Wind Farm

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted October 15, 2012

Samsung is installing 14 of its 7MW turbines off the coast of South Korea...

Solyndra Scam Continues

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 14, 2012

Solyndra looks to score more cash from China and the IRS.