Energy and Capital Archives

Big Oil Could Benefit from Obama Win

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 8, 2012

Though Big Oil pulled for Mitt Romney in the presidential race, it could also benefit from Obama's second term...

2013: Demand for OPEC Oil to Decrease

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted November 8, 2012

Though overall oil demand will grow less than expected, demand for OPEC oil will fall as nations rely on their own reserves...

Toshiba Develops Battery Chipset

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 8, 2012

Toshiba's new battery chipset could improve the cost and design of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles...

The Man Behind Texas Oil

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2012

For all of the media attention and recognition North Dakota gets in America's energy revival, Texas is America's largest oil-producing state by far...

Solar Company Folds Brand Production Under Market Pressure

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2012

A Japanese solar company is the latest to restructure under the market weight...

India's Gulf Oil to Buy Chemical and Lubricant Company

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2012

India's Gulf Oil is acquiring lubricant and chemical companies starting with the American Houghton International...

Libya Moves Focus to Unconventional Reserves

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 7, 2012

As major oil producer Libya continues to rebuild and restructure its program, it may be turning to shale gas...

Fourth Amendment Violation

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted November 6, 2012

The Supreme Court began hearing an argument that, if persuasive enough, would weaken the Fourth Amendment and allow law enforcement officials to search your home with an unlawfully obtained warrant.

Canada, India Reach Nuclear Trade Deal

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 6, 2012

Canada halted nuclear trade with India when the nation used its supplies for a weapon, but the two countries are peacefully reopening trade...

U.K. Wind Investing Slowdown

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 6, 2012

The U.K. has a strong offshore wind sector, but government hesitation has caused a massive slowdown in the industry this year...

Smart Batteries Predict Usage Trends

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted November 6, 2012

Energy startup Stem has created a battery system that can store and supply energy to save money...

Witness OPEC's Breakup

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted November 5, 2012

Editor Keith Kohl explains why history may repeat itself as the world's largest oil companies begin to lose control.