Energy and Capital Archives

Silver: Beyond Gold's Shadow

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted May 16, 2023

Silver is most often seen as secondary to gold; some call it “gold’s little sister.” But investors shouldn't overlook silver’s value as a powerful financial tool...

Take a Look at This Dirty Picture

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 15, 2023

When the West imposed sanctions on Russia due to its war in Ukraine, it created a dark fleet. These ships don’t abide by international norms for safety or the environment.

$70 Oil Is Money in Your Pocket

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 11, 2023

Every day that passes by with crude oil below $72 a barrel puts President Biden’s back against a wall. Here's why $70 oil is money in your pocket...

Investing in the Future of Safe Nuclear Power

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted May 10, 2023

"Tri-Fuel 238" is the most disruptive technology the global energy industry has witnessed since we switched from wood to coal in the mid-1800s. And make no mistake — the profit potential here is...

Green Fuel Scandal in Paradise: China's Biodiesel Dilemma

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted May 9, 2023

The Chinese resort island of Hainan is at the center of a massive green fuel scandal that has left its eco-obsessed European customers in a frenzy. 

When the Sh*t Hits the Fan

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 8, 2023

It is often said that we are nine meals away from anarchy...

The Smart Money is Piling into Cultured Meat

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted May 8, 2023

The Smart Money is Piling into Cultured Meat

Mind-Reading AI Is Here — Time to Panic?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted May 7, 2023

It’s getting harder to dispel the myth that AI is going to upend society as we know it. The next big frontier of AI has just been confirmed: reading human thoughts.

A Simple Lesson on Lithium Profits: Part 2

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 4, 2023

One of the more interesting parts of President Boric's announcement wasn’t that Chile was bringing the lithium industry under the government’s control...

How to Protect Your Wealth and Freedom From CBDCs

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted May 3, 2023

The dawn of the “FedCoin” is upon us. We’ve been warning you for months. When this all goes down, the threat to your wealth and liberty will no longer be just a threat… It’ll be a reality.

AI Isn't Stealing Your Job — It’s Keeping You From Quitting

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted May 2, 2023

AI isn’t going to crash the economy, nor is it going to ignite a dystopian era of humans vs. robots. In fact, it’s going to do the exact opposite...

Peak America

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted May 1, 2023

The U.S. is an empire in decline. Real wages are falling, productivity has flatlined, and the federal deficit is soaring. It’s no wonder that many countries are looking to ditch the dollar.