The smart city technology market could grow at a CAGR of 16.2% for the next eight years. And this is just the early stages.
The approval of the Keystone XL pipeline by Nebraska's governor inspired 53 senators to place pressure on the President for similar approval...
U.S. uranium production is low and international supplies will soon decrease. But one Texas company is exploring a process that could turn that around...
For the past 100 years, California has been a major oil producer. Now oil companies are going to the source... and the results could be an absolute bonanza.
Australian oil and gas company Linc Energy (ASX: LNC) is looking to attract major oil companies to facilitate shale oil development...
Australian miner BHP Billiton (ASX: BHP) posted strong results in coking coal, petroleum, and other operations, but it fell short with thermal coal...
Natural gas has always been oil's bastard brother. It's flared off as a waste byproduct, for crying outloud. But no more... Natural gas can and should be a critical fuel for the U.S. and the world.
Lithium-ion technology will prove a lucrative sector in the years to come, creating a market worth $22 billion by 2020...
China has completed a second round of auctions for its shale gas blocks, with companies pledging up to $2.06 billion...
Canada's natural gas industry is critical to its future. Editor Keith Kohl tells readers how to take advantage of the country's growing natural gas crisis.
Two Dutch companies are creating "smart roads," where paint will illuminate the roads and eventually charge electric vehicles...
The Douglas Channel LNG Project is set to be the first LNG export facility in Canada, tapping much-desired Asian markets...