Energy and Capital Archives

Glasgow's Weir Group (LON: WEIR) Enters U.S. Shale Market

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 25, 2012

Glasgow engineering firm Weir Group has entered the U.S. shale market through an acquisition of a U.S. shale services company.

Electric Vehicle Taxicabs Enter Hong Kong Market

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 25, 2012

In Hong Kong, a city with high pollution from vehicle emissions, electric taxicabs could change the market.

EPA Releases Progress Report on Fracking Study

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 25, 2012

A progress report on the much-anticipated EPA study of fracking, which will determine the risk factors in the drilling process, was released last week.

Mayan Stock Predictions 2013

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 23, 2012

The world didn't end, so go out and buy stocks.

2012: A Year for Oil

Written by Brianna Panzica
Posted December 22, 2012

As we prepare for the holidays, it's important to review the year and figure out how we can prepare for the future.

2013 Electric Vehicles

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 20, 2012

Jeff Siegel shares his electric vehicle predictions for 2013.

NRC Targets Japanese Company Over Nuclear Plant Failures

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 20, 2012

After tubing inside the San Onofre nuclear plant began leaking radioactive water, the NRC is questioning Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' work on the plant.

Unlikely Location for Fracking Job Creation

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 20, 2012

Despite a much-debated ban on fracking, New York state has created 44,000 jobs related to unconventional oil and gas development this year.

Siemens (NYSE: SI) Cuts Gas Turbine Jobs

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 20, 2012

After cutting American wind jobs earlier this year, Siemens (NYSE: SI) announced new cuts in its German gas turbine business.

The Easiest Gains for 2013

Written by Briton Ryle
Posted December 19, 2012

Sometimes, the stock market's moves are so clearly telegraphed, it's a simple matter of stooping over to pick up the profits that are just laying there. Now is one of those times.

U.S. Raises Anti-Dumping Tariff for Chinese Wind Companies

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 19, 2012

On the heels of the U.S. anti-dumping tariff on Chinese solar companies comes another tariff, this time on wind turbine manufacturers.

Keystone XL Lawsuit

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 19, 2012

A Texas land-owner says he wasn't fully informed on what the Keystone XL Pipeline would be carrying when he signed a contract, and a judge agrees with him.