Bakken shale production is still going strong, and some major producers are benefiting from early stakes...
With a ban on fracking in France, Total SA (NYSE: TOT) is looking elsewhere for shale development. And it may have its eye on the UK and China...
Saudi Arabia's Ghawar oil field has been the leader in oil production for decades; but will this last?
John Hofmeister offers rational arguments in the energy debate.
Natural gas production in the Marcellus shale is slowing, but it's not a lack of resources sending the production levels down...
Keith Kohl explains why California is about to kick-start its oil industry with the next big shale play.
Major gas finds in the Mediterranean sea have created a need for gas infrastructure, and Israel's state-owned company has big projects planned...
As areas like North Dakota, Texas, and Pennsylvania take off in a shale boom, California doesn't want to be left out...
After announcing a collaboration with Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK) on CNG vehicle technology, 3M (NYSE: MMM) has revealed its first CNG tank...
Coal was once the clear leader in the U.S. for electricity generation. But demand is slipping as cheap natural gas gains...
As its coal operations fall to the wayside, MidAmerican Energy is looking for a clean, long-term solution in the form of nuclear...
With the American Airlines and US Airways merger, four main airlines will control global travel. And as oil prices rise, this could mean trouble for ticket prices. You heard it here first...