Energy and Capital Archives

Chevron (NYSE:CVX) Natural Gas Discovery

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 23, 2013

Chevron (NYSE:CVX) has made yet another offshore natural gas discovery in Australia...

World Energy Outlook Update

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 23, 2013

A summary of the World Energy Outlook and its impact on oil investments

Graphene Oil Technology

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 22, 2013

Keith Kohl discusses a breakthrough technology being developed for oil exploration.

Tesla Graphene Investing

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted April 21, 2013

Tesla continues to crush the competition, but graphene could be a major game-changer for electric cars.

Russia to Supply Japan LNG

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 21, 2013

Russia may beat the U.S. to the lucrative Japanese natural gas markets as Gazprom gears up for discussions with Japan.

U.S. Coal Recovery

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 21, 2013

Coal stocks jumped following Peabody's (NYSE:BTU) earnings report, showing smaller than expected losses. Could U.S. coal be recovering?

Canada Desperate for Keystone XL

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 21, 2013

Canada is banking on President Barack Obama's approval of the Keystone XL pipeline in order to expand its oil production...

The Price of the U.S. Oil Boom

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 18, 2013

Keith Kohl explains the why North Dakota's oil production is going to surge within the next two months.

Bill Supports Natural Gas Fuel

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 18, 2013

A package of bills related to natural gas vehicles will go to Pennsylvania's House next week in a move to increase the domestic use of Marcellus shale gas...

Solar Battery Support

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 18, 2013

Germany is taking advantage of its position as Europe's last man standing by renewing its commitment to solar power...

Anadarko's (NYSE: APC) Mozambique Natural Gas Discovery

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 18, 2013

Anadarko (NYSE: APC) is having success with natural gas off the coast of Mozambique, and the potential seems extensive...

Fracking to Grow the Economy

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 17, 2013

Is raising taxes the way to grow the economy? Hardly. Brian Hicks explains why fracking could be the end of this country's economic slump.