If analyst Keith Kohl tells me that we’re about to see a 10-year bull market in oil, not only am I paying attention, but I’m asking for his top picks to play it...
black lithium
If one thing was glaringly clear to us in 2023, it’s that our domestic oil production rebounded more than most people expected, including me...
Earlier this week, a 3 alarm lithium-battery fire caused a complete shutdown at a 4.5 million square foot GMC plant, dubbed "Factory Zero," on Detroit’s East Side.
Last week, NY State Assemblyman Tony Simone proposed legislation that would require all restaurants operating in rest stops on the New York Thruway to be open seven days a week.
Nuclear power is safe. People, however, are not. And this, dear reader, is why there’s always been so much concern about expanding America’s fleet of nuclear power plants.
The New Soviet Union Is Here
Earlier this week, Chinese EV maker NIO live streamed a record-setting 14-hour road trip, piloted by company founder and CEO WIlliam Li, across Eastern China.
No matter how uncertain you were about oil stocks in 2023, the one truth that became glaringly clear to us all is that this was the year of the mega-merger.
Why this Treehugger is Bullish on Oil
Jeff Siegel despises the Big Oil apologists who think the value of natural capital is trivial and the destruction of our air, soil, and water is just the “cost of doing business.”
How is OPEC winning if its share of the oil market has dropped to 51% while the U.S. has been the largest producer of oil since 2018?