According to a leaked document, the EPA may be considering pulling back on some of the high ethanol mandates for 2014...
Morning Energy Intel.
Montana wasn't able to reach the oil producer status of North Dakota at the start of the shale boom, but the state is trying again...
Morning Energy Intel.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals why Alaska is preparing to secede from the U.S. energy industry.
In an effort to reduce emissions, China will be ramping up its nuclear operations. And this spells good things for the nuclear sector as a whole...
Blackberry (NASDAQ: BBRY) is weighing its future options, which could include anything from a buyout to being split into pieces...
You may have noticed cheaper prices at the pump. I paid $3.29 for regular today. Expect these prices to continue to fall...
Residents of Alaska receive their own annual cut of the state's oil riches, but the fund's future is contingent on oil exploration moving forward...
Aubrey McClendon, the former CEO of Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK), has not given up on shale investments...
Uranium prices are sitting at an eight year low. But the wheels are in motion for their rebound...
The electric car bashers are back, but we're still making money. Here's how...