Energy and Capital Archives

TransCanada Corp. (NYSE: TRP) Challenges Enbridge Inc. (NYSE: ENB)

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted August 20, 2013

Morning Energy Intel

Investing in Solar Stocks

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 20, 2013

In Germany, solar is putting fossil fuel plants out of business. Here's why...

Kenya Oil Export Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 20, 2013

Kenya could be the first East African nation to begin oil exports...

Investing in Fuel Cell Vehicles

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 20, 2013

Automakers are starting to look at hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and they could begin to compete with electric vehicles...

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) Crushes Opposition

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted August 20, 2013

Tesla literally destroys safety tests. Don't believe me? Take a look for yourself...

Western Canadian Natural Gas

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 19, 2013

The U.S. shale gas boom has forced Canadian companies took take their business across the Pacific...

Goldman Sachs Forecasts High Oil Prices

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 19, 2013

Goldman Sachs has raised its 3- and 6-month forecasts for Brent crude, and analysts predict it could rise to $115 soon...

Marcellus Shale Production Swells

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted August 19, 2013

Morning Energy Intel.

Pemex Shale Gas Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 19, 2013

Mexico's state-run oil company Pemex is looking to start another company with a focus on exploiting U.S. shale gas and deep-water oil...

Booming Bakken Oil Production

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 18, 2013

North Dakota oil production continues to grow each month, and the Three Forks formation will add yet another layer...

Buy This Cancer Stock Now

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted August 18, 2013

The number of proton therapy centers is expected to triple in five years, boosting revenue for this small company.

Investing in the Piceance Basin

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 18, 2013

The Piceance Basin of northern Colorado has massive oil and gas reserves and could be the next major play in the U.S. energy industry...