Energy and Capital Archives

Fluor (NYSE: FLR) Awarded DOE Contract

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted September 19, 2013

Morning Energy Intel.

Called It: Dow 19,388

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted September 18, 2013

Five technical analysis tools patterns every investor must have, which I have written up for your reading pleasure...

Can GM (NYSE: GM) Beat Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA)?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 18, 2013

GM (NYSE: GM) has announced a battery that can take a $30,000 electric vehicle 200 miles on a charge -- presenting a huge rival to Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA)...

Biotech Drug Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 18, 2013

This biotech company has developed a quick fix for something people have long been looking to get rid of: the double chin.

Foster Wheeler AG (NASDAQ:FWLT) Earns Services Agreement

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted September 18, 2013

Morning Energy Intel.

Investing in a Global Shale Boom

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 17, 2013

By 2020, the U.S. and Canada will no longer be the only nations thriving from the shale boom, a new study finds...

Bigger than Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA)

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted September 17, 2013

By 2020, attaching a computer to our bodies will be as common as checking the time on our smartphones is today...

Japan LNG Investing

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 17, 2013

Japan just shuttered its last nuclear plant, and now its need for U.S. LNG is more dire than ever...

Floods Halt Bill Barrett (NYSE: BBG) Oil Production

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted September 17, 2013

Morning Energy Intel.

The Slow Death of the Coal Industry

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 16, 2013

By the end of next year, nearly one-third of West Virginia's 20 coal-fired power plants will be retired... Keith Kohl takes a hard look at the slow collapse of the U.S. coal industry.

Exxon Alaska Infrastructure Update

Written by Jason Stutman
Posted September 16, 2013

Morning Energy Intel.

Fracking Water Treatment Technology

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted September 16, 2013

Water is an essential component to fracking, but regulations on the process are likely to hinder this. That's why water treatment companies are so important...