Looking to take its business in new directions, Real Goods Solar will float 5.9 million shares today.
According to the IEA, Brazil could soon become one of the world's major oil producers and exporters. But government restrictions are still holding it back...
This company just made a fuel cell that extends phone life by a factor of five.
Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) has already placed itself firmly on top in the electric vehicle marketplace. Now it's planning to conquer a new territory: pickup trucks.
Though it's got massive acreage off the coast of Nicaragua, Noble Energy's first attempt at a deepwater well has come up empty.
Digital screens are now in nearly every fast food drive through in the country. Digital menus are currently sweeping the nation, and fully interactive ones aren't far off.
Morning Energy Intel
The promise of carbon capture and clean coal could make coal-fired power the most expensive form of power generation in the United States, thereby rendering it nearly obsolete.
More officials in the U.K. are getting on board with fracking, and the results of a water study could be the final thing to move it ahead.
BP (NYSE: BP) is set to become one of Rosenft's (MM: ROSN) major buyers, a spot usually reserved for Shell (NYSE: RDS-A)...
Hong Kong is moving to bring LNG to its fleets to cut down on pollution, but the mainland is skeptical of these efforts...
Morning Energy Intel