Energy and Capital Archives

BP (NYSE: BP) Inks $16 Billion Tight Gas Deal in Oman

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 16, 2013

The Khazzan field has been a known reserve of tight gas for more than a decade, but it hasn't yet been tapped. A deal between BP and the Sultanate of Oman will change that.

Natural Gas is Sticking Around

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 16, 2013

According to the EIA's latest report, oil production will begin to decline in the U.S. sometime after 2020. But natural gas production will stay strong at least through 2040...

Black Ridge (OTCQB: ANFC) Snaps Up New Bakken Wells

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2013

Right on schedule, Minnesota's Black Ridge Oil and Gas has completed the acquisition of new wells in the Bakken formation. The company will close out 2013 with a hundred percent annual growth rate.

Is This the Next Major Shale Gas Producer?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2013

Poland's state-owned oil and gas company has signed a deal with Chevron (NYSE: CVX) that will enable the nation to move forward with shale gas development...

Is This the Next Major Shale Gas Producer?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2013

Poland's state-owned oil and gas company has signed a deal with Chevron (NYSE: CVX) that will enable the nation to move forward with shale gas development...

Will Big Oil Profit from U.S. Oil Exports?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 12, 2013

Exxon (NYSE: XOM) and other Big Oil companies are eager for the U.S. to relax its oil export restrictions. How long can the red tape stay in place?

The Dark Side of an Oil Boom

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 12, 2013

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shines a light on the darker side of the U.S. oil boom, showing investors why tight oil plays like the Bakken Shale are the last hope for oil profits.

Why Aren't Gasoline Prices Falling?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 12, 2013

Despite the U.S.'s record amount of crude oil, gasoline prices still remain high. There could be a solution, but red tape stands in the way...

Buckeye (NYSE: BPL), Plains GP (NYSE: PGAP) join Alerian Energy Infrastructure Index

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 12, 2013

Energy sector analysis and benchmarking group Alerian announced it will include Buckeye Partners LP and Plains GP Holdings to its Energy Infrastructure Index starting next week.

Could Fracking Come to New York?

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 11, 2013

In New York, natural gas prices are higher than the national average. And while the state gets some benefits from Pennsylvania's shale production, it's not enough...

Colorado Fracking Turmoil Continues

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 11, 2013

Four Colorado towns have already banned shale gas extraction through hydraulic fracturing. Industry spokespeople say further legislation is coming down the pike.

Russia's Shale Oil Future

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 11, 2013

Russia is attempting to catch up with the U.S. in shale oil production, and Rosneft is signing deals to begin development...