Energy and Capital Archives

This AI Stock Could Put Nvidia Out of Business

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 26, 2023

Nvidia is about to get kicked to the curb, because a new high-performance microchip manufacturer has just entered the scene. This company's microchip will make Nvidia’s chips obsolete...

Oil Outlook 2024 Part 2: Exploring Demand Delusions

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 25, 2023

In 2024, the world will consume more petroleum products than ever before. The real question is how high global consumption will climb... And the answer depends on who you're asking.

AI Fears Nearly Triple Among College-Educated Workers

Written by Alex Koyfman
Posted October 24, 2023

A growing segment of working Americans now view artificial intelligence as a threat to their livelihoods. According to a Gallup poll conducted this past August, 22% of workers fear being replaced by...

Oil Outlook 2024 Part 1: The Supply-Side Crude Shock

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 23, 2023

We’re barreling into 2024 with extremely bearish inventories both in the U.S. and abroad. The latest EIA oil report showed another large decline in our commercial stockpiles of crude oil, pushing...

Investing in Nigerian Lithium

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 22, 2023

Africa’s largest producer of oil recently announced plans to transition away from its reliance on oil and go big on lithium. Moreover, government officials are implementing stricter mining laws to...

93% of New Car Sales in September were Electric

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 22, 2023

93% of New Car Sales in September were Electric

Your Manager Just Got Replaced

Written by Alex Koyfman
Posted October 20, 2023

For the first time ever, entire decision chains will be left to a machine that never forgets a detail, never gets tired, never gets stressed, never gets lazy, and never takes it personally.

The Only Lithium Stock that Matters

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 19, 2023

We already know that by 2030, more than half of all new car sales in the U.S. will be electric, and by 2040, 75% of all global car sales will be electric. And it’s not going to be oil powering...

The Oil Weapon Comes Into Play

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 18, 2023

Is history doomed to repeat itself? I imagine more than a few of you have been pondering this question today after hearing about Iran’s call for a complete and immediate oil embargo on Israel...

Scariest AI Demo I've Ever Seen

Written by Alex Koyfman
Posted October 17, 2023

If you figured your job was at risk of being replaced by AI before, now is the time to really start panicking because if it can take over high-level decision-making for organizations as massive and...

Biden's Biggest Oil Blunder of 2023

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 16, 2023

At one point or another, I know you’ve come across the ancient proverb that says “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Today, we’re witnessing a twisted version of this idea play out in the...

Prepare for $100 Oil as Israel-Hamas War Spreads

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 15, 2023

Prepare for $100 Oil as Israel-Hamas War Spreads