Oil companies now stand to make millions by mitigating methane leaks. Energy investors should start investing now.
I don't understand SodaStream, but I do understand profits. Here's how I lost out on those profits with SodaStream (NASDAQ:SODA)
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why Big Oil may be worth a second look by investors as they look to take advantage of an exemption in the United States' ban on crude oil.
Energy and Capital editor Alex Martinelli explains the recent decline in oil prices and offers two ways for investors to take advantage.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows a potential short-term solution to Europe's gas dispute with Russia that could be a boon to investors.
3 reasons why Uber is better than conventional taxis at keeping drunks off the road.
Christian DeHaemer talks about hot investing trends for 2015 and how the millennial generation is affecting these trends.
It may not be very exciting, but the future of desalination is a profitable one.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why the U.S. shale revolution is turning into a full-blown crisis for OPEC.
Energy and Capital editor Alex Martinelli discusses the coming uranium based nuclear power boom, and offers investors a way to play the trend.
Energy and Capital editor Alex Martinelli analyzes Siemens' purchase of oil and gas services company Dresser-Rand and offers other high-yield investments in North American energy.
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl uncovers the reason why Mexico is preparing itself for a flood of U.S. oil.