Energy and Capital Archives

The Next Oil Bull Market Has Arrived

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 17, 2023

How is OPEC winning if its share of the oil market has dropped to 51% while the U.S. has been the largest producer of oil since 2018?

Big Oil Sucks! But I’m Still a Buyer at These Levels

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 17, 2023

Jeff Siegel despises the Big Oil apologists who think the value of natural capital is trivial and the destruction of our air, soil, and water is just the “cost of doing business.”

Why this Treehugger is Bullish on Oil

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 17, 2023

Why this Treehugger is Bullish on Oil

American Oil Production Hits Another Record

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted December 15, 2023

I want to tell you an economic truism that’s universal: Behind every unit of GDP is a unit of energy. In fact, energy is everything when it comes to the economy...

Is Now The Time To Go All-In On Lithium?

Written by Alex Koyfman
Posted December 12, 2023

If there was ever a time in history to buy into a single resource, the time is now and the resource is lithium. 

Charlie Munger Was Too Rich to Be Hungry

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 12, 2023

Charlie Munger was praised as a brilliant man. He was an example of how hard work and dedication can result in wealth and prosperity. But let’s be honest: this isn’t entirely true...

COP 28 In the Middle East, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 11, 2023

For the past two weeks, more than 84,000 people gathered in Dubai for COP 28 to finally sort this mess out.

Why 68 Natural Gas Projects Just Got Canceled

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 10, 2023

Why 68 Natural Gas Projects Just Got Canceled

Why Does Elon's New Lithium Refinery Reek of the CCP?

Written by Alex Koyfman
Posted December 8, 2023

black lithium

Venezuela Strikes Back

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 7, 2023

While reverting some of the sanctions levied against the country’s oil sector might provide a small bump, sanctions weren’t the biggest obstacle PDVSA was facing.

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) Lands Huge Battery Storage Deal in Australia

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 7, 2023

In 2022, more than $5 billion was invested in battery energy storage systems, which is nearly a threefold increase from 2021. And by 2030, that number is expected to reach $150 billion, representing...

Has Graphene Become Plastic 2.0?

Written by Alex Koyfman
Posted December 5, 2023

Of all the products that we use today and will use more tomorrow, there is one that stands out as the clear winner in terms of importance. They’re already everywhere. In our pockets, in our homes,...