Energy and Capital Archives

Lowest Premiums on Gold Bullion

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted April 3, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess shows investors the best deals and lowest premiums for gold bullion.

Lowest Premiums on Silver Bullion

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 31, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess takes a look at some of the lowest premiums for silver bullion right now.

Investing in the Lithium Uprising

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 31, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals the one thing that Tesla can't do itself.

Seven Years of Lean

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 30, 2016

DeHaemer slanders the Fed and talks about the one indicator that doesn't lie.

Water Engineering and Consulting Stocks

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 29, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess offers readers a new water infrastructure play that could be well positioned to take advantage of $5 billion in Canadian government spending over the next two...

Trading Today's Oil Glut

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 28, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why today's oil glut is not the same as the one readers lived through during the 1980s.

Buy the Leaders, Buy the Brand Name

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 27, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess says the most profitable stock picks are always going to be the ones most other people are going to pick, too. So buy the leaders, buy the brand name.

Elon Musk Strikes Pay Dirt

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 24, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals why Tesla's Model 3 may soon corner the EV market.

The Market is Toppy

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted March 23, 2016

It looks like the S&P 500, as well as the rest of the equity market, is heading for a drop. Christian DeHaemer warns of an upcoming crash.

Water Technology Investments

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 22, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explores water technology investments and takes a look at one water stock he thinks has an interesting edge on the market.

Forget OPEC, Look to Mexico for Oil Profits

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 21, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl reveals an unlikely place for investors to find oil profits.

Palladium Investing and the Lithium Revolution

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 20, 2016

It's 30 times rarer than gold, and half the price. Yet palladium is one of the most important metals in modern society. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess takes a look at the palladium market.