Energy and Capital Archives

Saudi Panic

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 25, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at how close the Saudis are to losing everything and why the deal recently reached by OPEC is falling to pieces.

The Fifth Precious Metal

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 23, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer tells you about the fifth precious metal along with gold, silver, platinum, and palladium... and why you should own some.

Solar Restart on the Horizon

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted October 22, 2016

We haven't seen the boom in solar capacity we expected... yet. Now's the time to invest before the tax credit deadline catches up to the solar industry.

Hold Gold Equities For Now

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 19, 2016

Gold seems to have a heartbeat. But for the next week or so, Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess think it's wise to remain cautious, particularly in gold stocks. Find out why.

Tesla vs. Apple

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 18, 2016

A war of innovation is underway between Apple and Tesla in this growing market. It could be make-or-break for Elon Musk and Tesla, as well as Tim Cook and Apple.

Election Investing 101: How to Make a Fortune from the Trump-Clinton War

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted October 17, 2016

These are the two most disliked presidential candidates in our country's history. Like it or not, one of them will be in the white house this November. How will the election affect your portfolio?

Q4, 2016 Market Predictions

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 16, 2016

Chris DeHaemer talks about October crashes past and those that are yet to come... plus oil at $80, silver at $51, and a driverless car in every garage.

There's No Quick Fix for the Water Crisis

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted October 15, 2016

We're looking for a solution to the water crisis in all the wrong places. Energy and Capital contributor Megan Dailey explains why the quick fixes don't make for good investments.

Is the Lithium Bubble a Myth?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 13, 2016

Now that the lithium revolution is underway, the bears have come out in force. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl questions whether the lithium market is really in a bubble.

Is the Gold Bull Market Over?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 12, 2016

With dashed hopes for a strong recovery in gold prices after last week's plunge, many are wondering if the gold bull market is over. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess urges investors to look at...

Clean or Dirty, Coal is Dead

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 11, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers one of Trump's biggest missteps from the debate. Donald suggested that the coal industry will reign for a thousand years. There's only one response...

Is the Market Ready to Crash?

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted October 10, 2016

Scientists say patterns please us. They reassure us that life is orderly, even though most of the time it isn't. Most of the time it's chaotic. One area where chaos exists is the stock market...Is...