Energy and Capital Archives

Putin's Gold Gimmick

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 27, 2016

In October, Russian gold buying spiked as it added 1.4 million ounces of gold to its reserves, or around 48 tonnes of gold. Here's what that means for us...

Buffett, Trump, and the Future of Energy

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted November 26, 2016

Trump made a lot of promises during his campaign, but can he deliver? Energy and Capital editor Megan Dailey explains why one promise in particular won't make it past the drawing board.

The 5 Biggest Industries for the Internet of Things

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted November 22, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers the five biggest industries experiencing a revolution from the Internet of Things.

Why Interest Rates Really Don't Matter

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted November 21, 2016

At the end of the day, it's not the direction of interest rates or the strength of the economy that determines how your portfolio will do. This is the ultimate factor...

The Banks Are At It Again

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 20, 2016

Energy & Capital editor Christian DeHaemer tells you what to buy when all hell breaks loose and the Fed/big bank cabal goes fish white, belly-up.

Clean Water vs. Clean Energy

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted November 18, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Megan Dailey looks into the water-energy nexus, and why it could be the investment opportunity of a lifetime.

Gold is Selling for $2,800 an Ounce in India

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 17, 2016

Millions of Indian citizens are scrambling to convert their now banned 500- and 1,000-rupee notes into legal tender. And as Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explains, this chaos is likely to...

Trump, the Fed, and Gold

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 16, 2016

There has been a lot of speculation over what the Trump administration will mean for the Federal Reserve. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess sees one inevitable outcome: higher gold prices.

The Osgood Millionaires

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted November 14, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Charles Mizrahi tells readers about a small group of hardworking, everyday Americans who were able to build huge fortunes after learning just one investment secret.

TLT is Dynamite

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 13, 2016

Charts, charts, and charts. Christian DeHaemer tells you what the heck just happened. He covers Bitcoin, TVIX, GLD, and rhodium.

Tesla Solar Roof Goes Too Far

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted November 11, 2016

The solar industry is still on the rise, but now with brand new hurdles to jump. In the wake of recent market upsets, are Tesla's ornamental solar roofs really the answer?

Is Trump the End for Clean Energy?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted November 10, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at what a Trump victory means for the renewable energy sector.