Energy and Capital Archives

Are You Investing or Speculating?

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted December 12, 2016

Do you invest or speculate? How you answer will tell you a whole lot about why you have or haven’t been making money.

Ride the Bubble

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 11, 2016

In today's manipulated and Fed-driven investment world, you have to ride the bubbles because that is where the money is. This begs the question, what is the fad now?

Why the IoT is Essential to Autonomous Driving

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted December 10, 2016

In the next few years, developing technology with the Internet of Things will be key to creating true autonomous driving. Could we really have driverless cars by 2021?

Lithium Ignites Energy Storage Profits

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 8, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows investors how lithium is sparking a rush on energy storage profits.

Investing in an Age of HyperAbsurdity

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 7, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess proposes the idea that world has entered an age of HyperAbsurdity. In this strange world, where do we as investors put our money? Burgess helps guide you...

The Simple Rule to Improve Your Financial Future

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted December 5, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Charles Mizrahi tells readers about one simple rule to give you an edge in investing on Wall Street.

Big Opportunities in Oil

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 4, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer talks end of the euro, Italian elections, and the new, huge opportunity in oil...

Our Best Chance at a Carbon-Free Future

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted December 2, 2016

We're going to see a major comeback in nuclear power on our way to a carbon-free future. This is the best clean energy investment you can make today.

Everything You Need to Know About DAPL

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 1, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl finally weighs in on the controversial DAPL project and shows readers why social media won't stop its completion.

Are Liberals Moving to Gold?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 30, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explains that gold may get big boost from an unexpected market: liberal Democrats.

U.S. Rejoins the Global Gas Market

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted November 29, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl talks about how the U.S. is tapping global natural gas demand. The country has once again become a net exporter of natural gas.

Only Buy Stocks at "Black Friday" Prices

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted November 28, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Charles Mizrahi explains how investors should be going after "Black Friday" deals every day.