Energy and Capital Archives

5 Predictions for 2017

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 1, 2017

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer makes five bold predictions for gold, oil, defense, housing, and interest rates.

Wind Beats Solar as a Top Renewable Energy Source

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 29, 2016

The first U.S. offshore wind farm has finally come online! Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers why this is just the first step towards massive growth for renewables, and wind...

How to Make Money Reading

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted December 26, 2016

I’m going to show you how reading can make you a lot of money on Wall Street. You can gain a very sustainable edge on other investors... because hardly any of them read annual reports anymore.

Dow on a Rampage

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 25, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer talks about the Fed, rate hikes, inflation, and the upward movement of the Dow Industrials.

Coal Outlook 2017

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 22, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl looks into the reasons for coal's recent rally and how much longer it will last...

Gold ETF Outflow Breaks Records

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 21, 2016

More than $5 billion has been taken out of gold ETFs over the past several weeks. But Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess still thinks gold is a buy.

Warren Buffett's Single Greatest Gift to You

Written by Charles Mizrahi
Posted December 19, 2016

Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan Island from the Native American tribe called the Lenape for traded goods valued at $24. But who got the better end of the deal?

2016 Predictions: How Did I Do?

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 18, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Chris DeHaemer talks about investing in Iran, China, and Russia and how avoiding the FANGs worked out...

The Danger of Investing in Patterns

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted December 16, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Megan Dailey explains our bias toward looking for patterns, and why investors should avoid it at all costs.

Will Trump's War on the Clean Power Plan Crush Natural Gas?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted December 15, 2016

It's no secret that our president-to-be opposes the EPA's Clean Power Plan. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl looks into the effects this will have on the market, and natural gas especially.

Three Best Gold Stocks for 2017

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 14, 2016

The U.S. dollar is insanely overvalued right now. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess gives his three top gold stocks to hedge against a falling dollar.

A Cashless World is Coming

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 13, 2016

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explains how investors can prepare for a cashless economic system coming to America.