Energy and Capital Archives

The Lithium War Erupts

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 31, 2017

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl delves into the looming showdown between the world's richest billionaire investors and shows readers how regular investors can get a leg up in this war over...

Capitalism from North Korea

Written by Jason Williams
Posted August 30, 2017

While the internet was going crazy about the FLOTUS's shoes, the defense sector was heading up after a North Korean missile flew over mainland Japan.

Trump's Real Plan for North Korea

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 29, 2017

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers why North Korea is holding a $10 trillion trump card that China is desperate to keep under wraps.

What Are Your Odds of Profiting from Marijuana Stocks?

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 28, 2017

Investors should be more like Floyd Mayweather. Calculate your odds of winning, then strike with precision. I spent nearly two years analyzing the legal cannabis space before I made my first...

Is Cobalt the best Investing Opportunity of 2018?

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 27, 2017

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer tells you why cobalt might be the best investment opportunity of the next year.

Can Batteries Cope Without Cobalt?

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted August 25, 2017

How big a deal is the crisis in cobalt? Bigger than the crisis in lithium, that's for sure. Energy and Capital editor Megan Dailey looks into the impact a shortage of this unique metal would have on...

Commodities On Watch for Hurricane Harvey

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 24, 2017

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl looks into the possible damages these commodities could face after Hurricane Harvey hits.

Over 240 Years of Best U.S. Government Contract Coming to an End?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 23, 2017

This family-owned paper manufacturer might have had the best government contract of all time. But you might be able to do better...

Is the Sky Falling on Tesla?

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 22, 2017

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl questions whether Elon Musk has an ace up his sleeve when it comes to the crisis Tesla is facing over cobalt.

The Next Eclipse Will Test Saudi Arabia's Solar Push

Written by Meg Dailey
Posted August 21, 2017

Energy and Capital editor Megan Dailey looks into this oil-centric country's investments into the solar space.

Investor Alert: Why Electric Cars Will Kill Internal Combustion

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 21, 2017

Electric vehicle technology may kill internal combustion a lot faster than we previously thought. Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel explains how...

Solar Eclipse 2017 (and how it’s going to affect solar panels)

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 20, 2017

Energy and Capital editor Megan Barnard explains what could happen to solar panels during the 2017 solar eclipse...