Energy and Capital Archives

3 Reasons Elon Musk Would Take Tesla Private

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 6, 2018

If Tesla goes private, shorts could get crushed. And I have no problem with that.

Time to Buy Fuel Cell Stocks

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted August 6, 2018

Two weeks ago, automobile maker Toyota made a major decision that will not just impact the future of the Japanese car giant, but could alter the global transportation and possibly the global...

Scotts Miacle-Gro (NYSE: SMG) is Oversold, but I’m not a Buyer. Here’s why …

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 5, 2018

If Scotts Miracle Gro is considered a cannabis company, is it worth buying?

Bombs Over Venezuela

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 5, 2018

Venezuela is falling apart. Over the past several months, President Nicolás Maduro’s socialist regime has been struggling with uncontrollable inflation, violent protests, and political...

Tesla Shorts are Getting Crushed, and I’m a Little Turned On

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 1, 2018

Despite so many investors wanting Tesla to fail, the stock continues to defy the odds.

Do You Have Enough to Retire?

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 1, 2018

Thanks to an Obama-era plan, you can use a little-known loophole to make your retirement grow even faster. Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel shows why people who aren't using it are in for a...

Iran Oil Embargo: What Investors Need to Know Now

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 31, 2018

Iranian oil sanctions are coming and the most important phase will take effect on November 4th, 2018, this is the date when all hell breaks loose for Iran. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl...

New York’s Proposed Cap on Uber and Lyft Drivers is an attack on Free Markets and Social Equity

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 30, 2018

Proposed caps on Uber and Lyft drivers in New York could result in job loss and a strengthening of social inequities.

Massive Gains and Great Calls: Past Predictions Postscript

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted July 30, 2018

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer recounts past predictions on cloud stocks, cryptocurrencies, and the S&P 500. Here's how those predictions performed and where readers made the most...

The Gold Hate is a Reason to Buy

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 29, 2018

Back in 2009 and 2010, everyone wanted to be in gold and the market. The sentiment has changed since then, but that could be a good thing. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explains why it's a...

The People vs. Elon Musk

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 26, 2018

Everyone is hating on Elon Musk right now for one reason or another. But throughout all of this there's one thing important to remember: Elon Musk is only one guy. There's a much larger battery...

Making Money While You Sleep

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 25, 2018

it was Warren Buffett who once said: "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die." Wise words from a wise and incredibly rich man. A government employee has...