Energy and Capital Archives

China's Coal Addiction

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 28, 2018

The Chinese were the first people to use coal. And by the looks of it, they'll also be the last. Because despite the country's many efforts to curb use, China's consumption of coal is still set to...

The Smart Motor Revolution

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 25, 2018

After 200 years of development, electric motors haven't changed that much. But all that's about to change with the development of the "smart motor." Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess discusses...

Even in Bear Markets, There’s Always a Way to Make Money

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 24, 2018

While the market tanked, Green Chip Stocks were locking in a quick double. And it was all thanks to Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel's trusted intelligence source... which is already tipping...

Saudi Oil, Lies, and Videotape

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 23, 2018

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl dissects the latest lies coming out of Saudi Arabia over Jamal Khashoggi and takes a hard look at its effect on the oil market. The ride could get a little bumpy...

Another Profitable Lie

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 23, 2018

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer tells you about the biggest opportunity in energy right now... and why so many investors continue to overlook this excellent opportunity in favor of oil...

Khashoggi Murder Could Push Oil Prices to $400 or More

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 21, 2018

The White House is downplaying the murder of this Khashoggi fellow. That's because they know it could lead to another all-out trade war with Saudi Arabia. Or worse. Energy and Capital editor Luke...

The Supply and Demand Side of the Opioid Epidemic

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 18, 2018

An opioid epidemic is destroying lives across America. And chances are this deadly plague has already taken root in your backyard. How did we get here? It's simply a matter of supply and demand....

The Last Big Cannabis IPO of 2018

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 17, 2018

Last weekend, while Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel was attending a cannabis investment event in Oakland, there was a lot of “big news.” PLUS Products goes public early next week, and this...

Overcoming Opioids: This Crisis IS Opportunity

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 16, 2018

At this point, it’s nearly impossible to come across someone who has not been affected by opioids, whether it was themselves, family, or friends. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a look...

Four Drivers of Doom

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 15, 2018

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell some 1,500 points since hitting new highs last week. But the MACD is still above the zero line, which means the market isn’t oversold yet. Here are the...

The Price of Gold Is Acting Strangely Normal

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 14, 2018

The price of gold is acting... normal. But that's actually surprising to see. For the gold market, “normal” hasn't been... well, normal. Gold is traditionally a safe haven asset used to hedge...

Crypto and Cannabis: The Hottest Markets and the Biggest Energy Hogs

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 11, 2018

Crypto and cannabis have a few things in common. They're both brand-new markets considered to be alternative investments. They're both being driven by hype and speculation. And both seem to appeal...