Energy and Capital Archives

Oil Falls to $50 Per Barrel

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 29, 2018

Data from the EIA released Wednesday showed American crude inventories unexpectedly increasing to a one-year high. The market had actually expected a decline in inventories. Wednesday's data marks...

The Top 6 Cannabis Stocks for 2019

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted November 28, 2018

It's time to capitalize on the U.S. cannabis market. While 2018 was a big year for cannabis across the globe, in 2019, we're going to see, for the first time, a real push for U.S. legalization on...

NOW Is the Time to Buy Oil Stocks

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted November 27, 2018

Over the last seven weeks, WTI crude prices have fallen more than 34%. Is it time to call it quits on oil or is there another ray of hope for investors yet? Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl...

Going, Going, Gone

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 26, 2018

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer talks gold, crashes, and the best-kept secret on Wall Street. Learn about the one company that acts as a bellwether for recessions and one group of...

Oil Investors Will Need Patience

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 25, 2018

Crude oil and gasoline prices are at their lowest levels in months. How much lower can they go? When will prices turn around? Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explores this, plus what...

This Is Poison for Portfolios

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 23, 2018

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias that causes people to overestimate their abilities and think they're better at something than they really are. And it could be holding you back from...

Investing in the End of the Opioid Epidemic

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted November 22, 2018

Capitalism, not the government, will solve the opioid epidemic. Jeff Siegel looks at the latest government attempt to find a scapegoat and the companies that will really be pivotal in ending this...

Force Old King Coal to Pay YOU!

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted November 20, 2018

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers why the dirtiest energy source on the planet is making a small group of investors filthy rich. And here’s the best part: It doesn’t matter in...

NG Trade Takes Hedge Fund to the Bone Yard

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 19, 2018

There is nothing like being on the right side of a big winner like Crisis and Opportunity — unless it's when you get to take out some hedge fund with bad ideas at the same time. Energy and Capital...

New York's Opioid Tax

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 18, 2018

The State of New York has a new plan to fight the nation's opioid crisis. And it's a real doozy. The state has gathered together the brightest and most intelligent team in order to create a radical...

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology Is Just Now Taking Off

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 15, 2018

Hydrogen fuel cell technology is at the same point in development as electric vehicles were in the late 1990s. The Toyota Prius, the first major hybrid electric vehicle to hit the market, came out...

Medical Cannabis Stocks Are Ripe for the Picking

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted November 14, 2018

Now that the adult use of cannabis is legal in Canada, soon to be legal in Mexico, and now legal in 10 states in the U.S., sometimes it can be easy to forget that cannabis is medicine. But that’s...