Energy and Capital Archives

Invest in Gold for the Right Reasons

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 17, 2019

If you think gold is going to save you when the proverbial poop hits the fan, you’re going to be insanely disappointed. Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel provides a much better reason to...

China's Secret Oil War

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 16, 2019

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look into why the Chinese have been investing billions of dollars in the Canadian oil sands. If nothing else, you have to credit China for always...

The Day Zuckerberg Freaked Out the Treasury Secretary

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted July 15, 2019

If only a small portion of Facebook's active members use Libra, Facebook will become the most powerful financial institution in the history of the world. And Zuckerberg would be god.

Why Goldbugs Love Trump

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 14, 2019

Trump's newest economic adviser is a goldbug, and she has been a longtime supporter of the return to the gold standard. But here's why that's not necessarily a good thing, especially for goldbugs...

5G Markets and Energy Efficiency

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 11, 2019

Soon, 5G cell phones will be as ubiquitous as broadband internet for your home. But 5G networks are expected to consume as much as three times more energy than their 4G predecessors.

With the Death of the Dollar Comes the Death of America

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 10, 2019

Our currency is what makes the U.S. one of the most feared countries in the world. And this country has a long history of weaponzing the dollar in an effort to make its enemies crumble. But this...

2 Reasons Every Investor Should Buy Canadian Oil

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 9, 2019

Today, we step back from the mess in the Middle East and take a look at why every investor should be buying Canadian oil stocks. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl gives us two good reasons...

New Center-Right Party Wins in Greece: Stock Market World Beater...

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted July 8, 2019

Times are finally getting better for Greece after the 2008 recession, and the catalyst for new growth ahead is the landslide victory of the New Democracy Party. This ETF is a buy.

America Set to Lead Global LNG Market

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 4, 2019

According to a new report from Global Energy Monitor (GEM), over $1.3 trillion is being invested right now in over 200 LNG terminal projects around the world. And more than 70% of global LNG...

The Shocking Truth About Independence Day

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 3, 2019

243 years ago, independence was declared. Yet here we are today, in many respects, still fighting for some of the same basic, fundamental rights every person in this country has been promised.

Sour Oil, Heavy Profits

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 2, 2019

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl peels back the latest geopolitical chaos taking place over Iran and how investors can stay ahead of the herd.

China's New Green Deal

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted July 1, 2019

Wall Street is ignoring coal-producing stocks, making it the most undervalued sector in the market. But the U.S. isn't burning more coal; it's exporting it. Here's how investors can take advantage...