Energy and Capital Archives

Why Investors Should Forget About Nuclear Power

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 21, 2019

Exelon recently announced that it would be retiring the Three Mile Island nuclear power facility 15 years early. The bottom line is that nuclear power is simply not economically sustainable. Energy...

The Permian Blowout Is Coming

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 20, 2019

Are we getting close to 'peak Permian?' It could be closer than investors realize. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers where to find the right oil stock in the prolific Permian Basin.

Late September Blues

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 19, 2019

In late August, it doesn't matter what happens in the markets. But it is how September ends that is the rub. Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer gives his prediction for September.

What 5G Means for the Cannabis Industry

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 18, 2019

In many ways, 5G innovations born out of the broader agricultural sector will overlap with cannabis. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explores where it will have the greatest impact.

What the Crow Knows About Investing

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 15, 2019

To most people, crows are nuisance birds. But they're also highly intelligent. They can use tools, remember faces, and even invest more wisely than most people...

How to Get Rich While Making the World a Better Place

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 14, 2019

Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel reflects on how sometimes the world's most unfortunate events can be moneymaking opportunities... but how investors can also align their values to some hugely...

The Best Energy Explorer Does it Again

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 12, 2019

Back in the day, if a little-known international oil company hit a 100 million barrel mother lode, the stock would double on the news. Yesterday, Tullow Oil (LSE: TLW) did just that. Energy and...

These Christians Are Worse Than Socialists

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 11, 2019

The nation's megachurch pastors and prosperity preaching are leading the country down a road that's worse than socialism or communism. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explains why...

What 5G Means for Energy

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 8, 2019

Among the most highly anticipated industries expected to benefit from the proliferation of 5G services are the energy and utility sectors. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explains how 5G will...

Millennials, Sex Apps, and Bull Markets

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 7, 2019

When Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel goes on site visits to check out the companies in which he may invest, a big red flag for him is the absence of young people. Millennials may be easy...

The Trump Embargo!

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 6, 2019

Trump’s sanctions on Iran’s oil exports are making waves in the oil markets. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at why the investment herd is wrong about the direction oil...

A Myth Turned into Millions

Written by John Butler
Posted August 5, 2019

How did hamsters end up as household pets? Energy and Capital contributor John Butler tells the random and fascinating tale, while pointing out how investors are in the story without even noticing...