Energy and Capital Archives

When the Man Comes Around

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 11, 2019

Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer discusses the things he learned at the MetCoke Summit 2019 in Nashville. And one major takeaway was that no one knows what will happen with the IMO 2020...

OPEC World Oil Outlook 2019

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 10, 2019

Energy will remain among the safest and most profitable markets for long-term investors. Population growth, global urbanization, and economic development will continue to be primary factors driving...

Ray Dalio's Mad World, Broken System, and Paradigm Shift

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 7, 2019

It's crazy out there. We all know it, but few people seem to be doing anything about it. Mounting political, social, and economic problems seem to be reaching an inflection point. Energy and Capital...

Building Wealth Relies on How Quickly You Can Adapt to New Market Conditions

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted November 6, 2019

Whether it's with your personal relationships, your career goals, or your investment strategies, life is very difficult if you’re not flexible enough to adapt to new challenges and unfamiliar...

Natural Gas Forecast 2020: 6.2 Trillion Reasons to Love Pennsylvania

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted November 5, 2019

Whenever winter weather starts to settle in, natural gas investors breathe a slight sigh of relief. But should they? Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at what's in store for...

Cash, Apple, Buffett, the Kingdom, and U.S. Steel

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted November 4, 2019

It's a beautiful morning in rural Maryland. Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer talks Berkshire Hathaway, the Apple Store and Christmas season, and the Aramco IPO.

Palladium Price Nearly Double Platinum

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 3, 2019

Now that palladium is the world's most expensive previous metal, it's almost certain that catalytic converter manufacturers will begin to switch back to platinum. So instead of jumping in on the...

Planned Obsolescence: Don't Waste Your Money on These Products

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 31, 2019

Manufacturers use a variety of different methods to intentionally shorten the life spans of their own products, forcing consumers to become repeat customers earlier than necessary. The end result is...

The Next Major CBD Player: Jushi Holdings (OTC: JUSHF)

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted October 30, 2019

Opioid painkillers are too dangerous. And people simply want a safer alternative. CBD is it. And Jushi Holdings is setting itself up to be the next major CBD player.

John Witherspoon and the Quest to Get That Money!

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted October 30, 2019

There is one reason that brings us all here. Every investor is here to achieve the same goal. Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel reflects on his chance meeting with comedian John Witherspoon and...

Locking up LNG Profits in 2020

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted October 29, 2019

There are some potentially game-changing shifts coming to the natural gas market in the next few months. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl talks about the future of natural gas and why the best...

When the IMO 2020 Hits the Fan

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted October 28, 2019

A small UN organization called the IMO passed a set of regulations that will introduce tremendous changes on the global shipping industry — an industry that accounts for 90% of global trade....