Energy and Capital Archives

Gold Hits $2,000

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 30, 2020

The price of gold increased to $2,000 an ounce for the first time in history. And despite hitting its head on the ceiling, all signs are still pointing to higher prices from here.

The Tesla of Biotech Stocks

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 29, 2020

Change happens. And while change can be hard for some folks to accept, it shouldn’t be hard to profit from. Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel discusses some upcoming change in the biotech...

The New Normal: Post-COVID-19 Stock Trading

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 28, 2020

History is a progression of "new normals." Few recognize the drastic change that’s occurring and fewer still saw it coming. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains how investors can take...

Gold and Silver Are on Fire

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted July 27, 2020

Gold and silver are running. Overnight gold hit $1,974 an ounce, and silver hit a high of $26.27 an ounce before pulling back. Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer explains why gold and...

Gold Breaks Record but Will Face “Crisis Moment”

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 26, 2020

Strap in. Things are about to get wild for gold. The price of gold opened this morning, smashing through all-time price records, topping over $1,940 an ounce. Energy and Capital gold expert Luke...

Silver Prices Surge 20% in Five Days

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 23, 2020

Silver isn't exactly what most people think it is. And misconceptions about silver might lead to confusion for investors later on. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess details the lesser-known...

How to Make Money While in Quarantine

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 22, 2020

Today, Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel is simply going to share with you three reports that focus on a handful of companies that are already proving to be COVID-resistant...

OPEC’s Uncertain Future: The Aftermath of COVID-19

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 21, 2020

Are we finally getting a glimpse of the aftermath of COVID-19? Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl shows readers why oil prices may be recovering, but OPEC's future remains uncertain.

Another Major Bank Joins Gold Bulls

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 19, 2020

Citigroup is the latest major bank to join the gold bulls. In the bank's 3Q commodities outlook, Citigroup says it expects gold prices to break all-time price records within the next six to nine...

What Happens If Gold Reaches $10,000?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted July 16, 2020

No one invests in gold for today, everyone invests in gold for tomorrow. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explains why investors want to invest in gold today in order to not miss out on...

Investing in Anti-Aging Biotech Stocks

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted July 15, 2020

Some have called it the most undervalued stock in the biotech space. Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel profiles a stock that has developed an anti-aging pill that could change humanity as we...

Elon Musk’s Nightmare Just Came True

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted July 14, 2020

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl breaks down the latest surge in Tesla's stock, and explains why the time is ripe for a very specific sector of the EV market.