Energy and Capital Archives

How Mackenzie Scott Became the Richest Woman in the World

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted September 2, 2020

Since Chris DeHaemer has been cashing in on these pandemic stocks, Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel has been making a lot of money. Inside, Jeff encourages readers to do the same and pay...

Natural Gas Outlook 2021 Part 2: Bull in a China Shop

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted September 1, 2020

Our wealth of natural gas is the worst-kept secret in the U.S. energy sector today. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl looks ahead at the primary driver for a natural gas bull market in 2021.

Oil Demand Surge Looming

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 31, 2020

We here at Energy and Capital are nothing if not contrarian investors. We look to the future and say, “What if oil demand goes back up?” And so it will. Christian DeHaemer explains why now is...

Is the Coin Shortage a Government Setup for a Cashless Society?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 30, 2020

Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess was having a casual conversation with his Uber driver when Luke was asked "Do you think the government is using the coronavirus to justify a coin shortage so...

Investing Lessons From Nature: The Black-Footed Cat

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 27, 2020

This wild cat is the single most successful solitary hunter on the planet. And its hunting success can actually teach us a lot about successful investing. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess...

Should Investors Buy Palantir Technologies After It Goes Public?

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 26, 2020

Privacy has gone from something every sovereign citizen should expect to something that is merely an inconvenience for data analytics companies. The reality is these kinds of data analytics...

The Future of Tech Investing with Jeff Siegel and Jason Stutman

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 25, 2020

Is online privacy even possible anymore?

2021 Natural Gas Forecast: Hurricanes, Hedges, and Hope

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted August 25, 2020

Just when you thought the chaos this year was over, Marco and Laura showed up to the party. Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a look at what's ahead for natural gas prices and where to look...

Who Gets What in the Next Government Bailout

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted August 24, 2020

Which stocks will get the next trillion dollars in free government cash? Energy and Capital editor Christian DeHaemer has a pretty good idea...

COVID-19 Exposes Rift Between Doctors and the Public

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 23, 2020

One thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has absolutely exposed is a rift between the medical community and the public. This "New Normal" is bigger than face masks and social distancing. In the same way...

The "New Normal": Challenges and Opportunities

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 20, 2020

In this "new normal," new industries will rise, while others will fall. Fortunes will be made and lost.

Is It Wrong to Profit From COVID?

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 19, 2020

We have no idea how this whole COVID thing is going to play out. What we do know, however, is regardless of whether it crushes us this fall or just peters out over time, investors should be taking...